



Transaction confirmations


Average confirmation duration (seconds)


Workers doing PoW


Transaction confirmations per minute


Time Spent Spamming



Does this computer and browser support WebGL2 ?

You can check here.
If it doesn't, this app will probably not work.

But, why is it important ?

The iota's PoW (Proof of Work) algorithm runs more efficiently on a graphics card (GPU), rather than a general processor (CPU). In order to use the GPU from a website / web application like this one, the WebGL framework must be supported. Most modern browsers support WebGL2 (the version used by Iota's official library), but some old harware might not.

Why spam the network with transactions?

It speeds up confirmations!

IOTA is a cryptocurrency whose transaction confirmations are based on subsequent transactions that get added to the tangle. So the more transactions that get added to the tangle, the faster previous transactions get confirmed.

There are other bottlenecks in play that may limit confirmation time, like network quality, bandwidth, and node reliability.

How does this work?

This webapp combines two libraries from the IOTA foundation to work: iota.lib.js for interacting with IOTA nodes and curl.lib.js for doing the PoW (Proof of Work) in your web browser.

About the Project

This project is developed and maintained by GpanosXP and is hosted on GitHub here.

It is based upon the original project by Peter Ryszkiewicz, which can be found on GitHub here.

IOTA SpammerXP